The quill of Robert Ludlum developed a style that made him a legend in his lifetime of the spy thriller. After his departure to a permanent heavenly psyops, the Ludlum Enterprise hired folks to write under his banner - blech. They should have just become a publishing company and offered an endorsement and let the author rise or fall off a cliff from their own lack of merit. One of Ludlum's iconic characters, now a Jason Bourne movie franchise, exists on a one dimensional monetary plane that isn't taking off for this reader.
Ludlum once lamented the draconian and dreary traditions of the staid publishing prison that decreed fast writing reflected poorly and too many books in a certain amount of time must be kept in abeyance to protect the public from becoming bored. There's a reason publishers get into trouble, their thinking is still remains lodged in controlling a Gutenberg press and who gets to use it. Ludlum or his heirs sped this disaster along by letting his name be used sort of like ghostwriting in reverse. Please make them stop after releasing the one from last week. If you have it at the beach, take mercy on it and leave it buried in an abandoned sand castle.
Eric Van Lustbader have you no pride or imagination for your own brand or styling yourself as original. Killing Bourne's life anchors to scribble a new story arc was predictable. I really hate the Bourne books now. My respect remains for the Bourne books Robert Ludlum wrote and has only his name on the jacket. Whether with a speed typewriter or painstakingly, I appreciated his work.
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